West Norfolk Artists Association

Header image of Association Summer Exhibition

Join Us!

Membership of the Association is open to anyone, regardless of where you live, but the focus of the WNAA is the West Norfolk and surrounding area. Full membership costs £30 per year and entitles the member to all the benefits of the Association, including taking part in exhibitions. A couple may have joint membership for £55. For full time students, membership is available at a reduced fee of £10.

Join or renew your membership by on-line payment

You can join the Association or renew your membership by making an online payment, either by bank transfer or by PayPal. By PayPal our account name is: payments.wnartists@gmail.com and for bank transfer the details are:
West Norfolk Artists Association, Barclays Bank, sort code 20-30-81. Account no. 80409081.

Whichever method you use please make sure that your payment has your name as a refererence. Please also send an email to wnaamembership@gmail.com giving your name, the amount of your payment, the date of the payment and whether it is a renewal or a new membership. Thank you!

Join or renew your membership by post

If you can, please use the on-line membership facility above as it is quicker and easier for all involved. However, if you would prefer to join or renew by post you can download a membership form as a PDF document. This should be completed and returned to the membership secretary, whose address is on the form. If you are unable to download the form one can be sent to you in the post. Email your request to the WNAA membership secretary, Chandra Ward. Email: wnaamembership@gmail.com